Archive for March, 2007

So you want to be an investor?

March 20, 2007



Then what are you waiting for? Now that we have finally hit the much anticipated market shift…..there are a record number of consumer’s that are on the verge of losing their homes to foreclosures. As sad of a fact this is, the result is a growing number of properties that are repossessed by the bank and will need to be sold at a discount (most times) to relieve the bank from holding them in their portfolio. In hindsight, although the Lender’s in the mortgage arena are partly to blame for the turmoil homeowner’s are facing with the loss of their home….. you can somewhat say they are now reaping what they have sown.


The general rule of thumb for long-term investors is to buy when the market is low, and then sell when it is on the rise. Homeowner’s who have had the privilege and misfortune of owning property that have resulted in a foreclosure will still need a roof over their head, and have had the experience of paying for a mortgage…which in most cases is more money per month than renting an apartment. With this new surge in the rental market…..this would be an opportune time to jump in and get your feet wet. With that being said, I strongly suggest you do your research on market area’s, development plans, rental rates, etc…..and plan on reaping your rewards in the longtime…not short-term.